Mccreary Vs Kentucky Case Summary

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McCreary v. ACLU of Kentucky (2005) was a case that was presented to the supreme court. The issue at hand was that two Kentucky county courthouses displayed the 10 commandments publicly. As a result, the American Civil Liberties Union argued that this religious display violated the first 10 amendments of the Establishment Clause and sued the counties. After that, the courthouse continued to post not one but two displays alongside with the 10 commandments relating to their reasoning assuring the citizens to be on the same page with them. Which according to law, the government must not in any way favor one religion over another, moreover in this case the displays clearly violated the Establishment Clause because they were presented with texts-scriptures from the Bible involving in a particular promotion of Christian religion. As religion plays a big part of a politics, not just in the United States, but also in other countries. A chosen religion can severely impact citizens in negative ways. For that, some countries grow and some countries can go into destruction. Having this in mind religious freedom is one of the main reasons people come to America. People move here to be free from the strict domain rule of government and to be able to have the ability to practice any religion they desire and to voice their opinions without persecution. I have …show more content…

Placing the 10 commandments placed in a courthouse to be seen as a threat to other different religions, and favoritism done by the government. We live in a society where there will be diversity. A place where there will be different beliefs and a variety of different critical thinking skills. We have to be open-minded and think of others as well. Concluding that in the case of McCreary v. ACLU of Kentucky (2005) the court justified that it is unconstitutional to display religious beliefs in political offices. From then on, these two objects are completely