Medea Comparative Analysis

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[The scene is set before the house of Jason in Corinth.]

Jason: Medea reminisced, Furiously, contemplating in anger, and in me was the bloom of youth, now turned into the twisted beauty of age.

Medea: Where my love was most foolish for Jason, now a plague spreads deeply in my core. The emptiness is now spreading.

Jason: She is angry and I am troubled.

[The chorus of Corinthian women now enter the orchestra and begin to sing a lyrical exchange with the nurse, interrupted twice by the outburst of the anchor as messages reach her mouth.]

Medea: The muttering of singing voices beyond the surface know I am silently shifting and twisting in suppressed anger. The cracks of betrayal that reach beyond my core now let me know that to fix the burning from inside out, the mistress must show no …show more content…

Like rushing waves from the ocean, the blood pumps through me at unbalanced speeds. The dull muffling of the voices low as her skin as it protects the sound of their exchange, yet her body communicates loudly as the blood gushes through me.

[Jason 's voice disappears, in the room enters the voice of a familiar friend.]

Jason: Her scheming mind proves to me that she will give pity to the friendly voice whom she desires favour and recovery, to be successful in her plan for revenge to heal my wounds.

Medea: without doubt, by doing so, this is how I will receive the most relief through all the pain and suffering that Jason, the one I used to love for which I beat for, has wished upon me. All the memories we once created will still be kept within me, but now I must take care of my change of self and expose a coward.

[Moments later, Jason’s voice reappears and he shares dialogue with mistress.]

Medea: I pace very quickly when the man I used to admire enters the room, but it is his presence that makes me change for the worse rather than the better.

Jason: I hear the false act she is begging. What is this unfamiliar

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