Media Analysis And Critique: Bacon 3-Way Burger Fantasy

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Media Analysis and Critique As a technologically driven society, we consume thousands of ads and commercials on a daily basis. While we normally just brush off whatever is trying to be sold to us it is important to analyze and discuss what messages are being subliminally sent through them. In their ad “Bacon 3-Way Burger Fantasy”, Carl’s Jr is not only selling a bacon cheeseburger, but also promoting unhealthy body image, unrealistic expectations, and is created solely for the male audience. In this analysis I will be dissecting this commercial by analyzing the message being sent to consumers and how this adds to an overwhelming narrative of the subjugation of women’s bodies. This commercial is directed by Chris Applebaum, who is notorious for creating overtly sexualized music videos and Carl’s Jr commercials utilizing the male gaze, and the three women in the ad are Genevieve Morton, a former Sports Illustrated swimsuit model, Emily Sears and Elena Belle, who are …show more content…

These types of images create a narrative of what women’s bodies are expected to look like. This has had harmful effects on how girls perceive their bodies and what they believe is normal. These images leave a lasting impression on young girls especially those who don’t fit into the white cis gendered mold; this kind of beauty standard leaves girls believing that they need to strive to be thinner and lighter to be considered beautiful. In her essay ‘The More You Subtract, the More You Add’, Jean Kilbourne touches on this by saying, “Adolescent girls are especially vulnerable to the obsession with thinness, for many reasons. One is the ominous peer pressure on young people. Adolescence is a time of such self-‐consciousness and terror of shame and humiliation… And girls are shamed for being too sexual, too loud, too boisterous, too big (in any sense of the word), having too hearty an appetite” (Kilbourne

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