Media And Body Image Essay

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Rakhal khaimova
Mr. Dowd Media has greatly influenced the way one perceives themselves and others. Media mass which is defined as means of communication like magazines, television, radio and newspapers. Mass media makes people have an unrealistic ideal body image, which causes adolescents' who are mostly exposed to this type of media try to set this picture perfect body image. Adolescents' who try to fit this perfect body image set by media are negatively effected. Experimental studies had supported that exposure to thin ideal in mass media has caused body dissatisfaction, goals of thin ideal and disordered eating among women. Not only women are effect by media's perfect body image so are men they have been pressured to have …show more content…

A few studies looked at the relationship of beauty and fashion magazines and dieting among adolescent females. The study focused on girl adolescents' image on beauty. The study results indicated a large amount of adolescent' girls read these magazines and use the images and ideals to define how they look and create ideals for themselves in relation to their body weight, shape and size.(Thompson 2011). A study similar which also looked at examined the influence of appearance magazine, but also looked at influence on peers and how it creates ideals among adolescent boys and girl Jones(2004) . The study focused on how girls are more likely to have negative self - image and how girls try to achieve these ideals that in reality can not be achieved. The researcher believed females were more likely to feel dissatisfied with their body image because of unrealistic body image they tried to achieve, and are more liable to use forms of losing weight to fit the ideal in their appearance. The results showed that peers influenced on how adolescents' perceive their image. Females were mostly effected by appearance magazines because they are targeted unlike