Do Magazine Advertisements Send Unhealthy Signals To Young Women Essay

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Do you ever look at a model advertising something and think, “Man, I wish I could look like them.” Well, teens across the globe are struggling with this problem and taking the phrase, “perfect body” too seriously. Magazine advertisements send unhealthy signals to youth women by causing them to body shame themselves and making them commit to unhealthy ways of dieting. To begin with, young women body shame themselves when they see better-looking models in magazines. According to the debate, “Do Magazine Advertisements Send Unhealthy Signals to Young Women?” the author states,“Women picking up magazines can cause suicide, mental illness, and can lower self-esteem because magazines send unhealthy signals to women.” Also from the article, “Are There Negative Effects of Teen Magazines?” the author states, “Seeing the slender models in magazines may make young girls falsely believe they need to lose weight.” This shows …show more content…

From the debate, “Do magazine advertisements send unhealthy signals to young women?” the author infers, “It makes women feel like they need to be skinny, and half of the time girls will go on diets, start skipping meals, then end up not eating, just drinking water and chewing gum, and then they end up having eating disorders.” Also, from a previous article, “Are There Negative Effects of Teen Magazines?”, the author justifies, “Reading teen magazines can increase the risk of eating disorders, though this occurs more often in girls than in boys. Eating disorders are often caused by the dissatisfaction with body shape and weight, and reading teen magazines can emphasize that dissatisfaction.” This proves that magazines can influence unhealthy ways of dieting, causing eating disorders. So, not only can magazines lead to young women body shaming themselves, but it also causes them to commit to unhealthy ways of dieting to help get the perfect