
Media Article Summary

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Summary of Media Article:
Researchers recently did the experiment in diamond ,which can provide a nitrogen-vacancy center. They use varied laser light to draw paths for the electronic spin in diamond. By doing that, quantum operation could do resilience to outside influence. Their research depends on the Berry Phase,"when a quantum mechanical object, such as an electron, is cycled along some loop, it retains a memory of the path that it traveled"(Peter,P2). Researchers found out that the Berry Phase is not sensitive to the variation of the laser light.

Summary of original scholar article:
Researchers introduced a new technology that guides the nitrogen-vacancy center's spin along loops on the Bloch sphere to enclose arbitrary Berry phase and characterize these trajectories through time-resolved state tomography by using diffraction-limited laser light (Yale.P1). The article describe the background of the experiment and the process how researchers got the result. The theory and formula is described in details. The Berry Phase is the main theory and main research field. Researchers did experiments by changing parameters in the Berry Phase. …show more content…

The media article is divided into few parts. The first paragraph is a general abstract to describe the background and the experimental result. Then the article start to talk about quantum geometry, a light touch, and a noisy path. These are main knowledge parts of the experiment.
The original scholar article also be divided into few parts, but those parts discuss scientific theories and formulas in details. Those parts are understanding STRIAP in the NV center, optical accumulation of Berry Phase, and limits and robustness of Berry Phase.

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