
Media Effects On Women Essay

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Abnormal, unusual, stupid, ugly, failure, fat, worthless. These are words thatpeople describe themselves as everyday due to media. Advertisement and mediacauses women to easily get depression and eating disorders without even realizingit. Ads shouldn’t show much skinnier women to prove that the product works. Theadvertisement industry makes women and men think that their weight is averageand every one should be that skinny. “In a recent survey by Teen People magazine, twenty-seven percent of girlsfeel that the media pressures them to have a perfect body” (HealthyPlace.com).This means that women feel the need to be “perfect” in any way possible.Depression is very harmful to the body and can result in death. There is a diseasecalled Anorexia Nervosa which is where people go without eating for a really …show more content…

Advertisements emphasizethinness as a standard for female beauty, and the bodies idealized in the media arefrequently a typical of normal, healthy women” (HealthyPlace.com). My sisterstruggled through depression in her teen years and now I know why. After shemoved out, I looked in her closet and found a bunch of images of really skinnywomen, models. My dad later found out that she was diagnosed with bulimia. Thiswas no longer a secret anymore and it was very upsetting to know that my sisterwanted to be super skinny like models.Advertisement industries shouldn’t make their models super skinny. Theyshould not portray women in the manner. If it is what they find to be attractive,then that is a deadly idea that is already killing our people. What if all differentbody types were advertised in women's magazines without being labeled "PlusSize?” That probably wouldn’t put an end to eating disorders, but it would be astep in the right direction. All women, big or small, should be treated equally andas if they are all beautiful just as they

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