Media Kit-Blue Ridge Outdoors Magazine

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I’m researching about the options that our company can use to advertise outdoor products and clothing. There are other opportunities that we can promote our company that would further attract customers and increase sales.
Research Topics
As suggested, I researched Online Marketing Places and Magazines. As the advertising target more on online resources, I focused on searching through online library databases to find sources. For each of the topics, the questions I attempted to answer:
• Who’s the audience?
• How much does it cost?
• What are the types of advertisements available?
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of each one?
Online Marketing Places (Facebook)
Since the innovation of technology, people are engaging and connecting …show more content…

Readers are sure to receive high quality imagery and content with every page that is turned. Most importantly, readers that get a look of our company and its products in this prestigious magazine boost the chance of our company getting more popularity and increased sales.
Digital Version
Besides its popularity of the magazine version, Blue Ridge Outdoor Magazine’s website version is the most preferred destination of outdoor travelers and enthusiasts. It performs as the essential resource for those who seek legitimate information and remarkable imagery online.
"Media Kit - Blue Ridge Outdoors Magazine." Blue Ridge Outdoors Magazine. Accessed April 24, 2016.
Advantages and Disadvantages
The viral nature of Facebook and Twitter means that with every user that learns about our company and its products have the capability to spread the news further than his/her own network so information can spread to a large amount of people in a short time. Also, Facebook offers us the chance to flexibly choose our audience. On the other hand, customers can publish negative comments that may not be