Research Paper On Fahrenheit 451

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According to the Daily Universe, a YouTuber named Gary Tuck said, "This media we call social is anything but... we open our computer, an it's our doors we shut" (Hamilton). In his video "Look Up". Social media, technology and the electronics we use are affecting communication between people all around the world. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, "Has the iPod made us anti-social?" by Tom de Castella from BBC news, "Technology: Is it making kids anti-social?" by Morgan Hampton from The Daily Universe, and "Technology's Benefits and Possibilities" by Word Press all explain how technology affects humans either in a negative or positive way. The increase in technology is decreasing human interactions even though communication is essential for everyday …show more content…

The usage of earbuds and headphones forces people not to communicate with each other in crowded social areas. In Fahrenheit 451 Mildred always used her earbuds before she went to bed, "There was a tiny dance of melody in the air, her seashell was tampered in her ear again..." (Bradbury 45) Mildred did not want any communication with her family when her earbuds were in her ears. When she had them in, Montag felt like there was a need to communicate with her. Due to the reputation, earbuds and headphones get people use them and then they do not communicate with others. "...ear buds but the barrier the device erects between people." (Castella). With the earbuds in people's ears, others do not want to talk to them. Even though headphones can be used as a concentrator for studying it isolates people from the real world. "Telegraph columnist Bryony Gordon says young people have grown up to be "plugged in" to their iPod, rather than relating to their surroundings." (Castella). If children have grown accustomed to this trend, the trend of using headphones and isolating themselves from society will continue to

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