Media Violence On Children

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Violence on media such as television and video games have becoming a phenomena within a span of a few short years in which it can be harmful and damaging the children’s mind as well as behavior. Media violence is the visual representation of the actions of physical aggression by one human or human-like character against another as in it portrays the act of injuring or killing someone on the television, movies, internet or video games (Huesman, 2009). Although media plays an important part of our lives as it provides effective medium for communication, entertainment and education but there is also a lot of violence on the media in which it gives a significant impact on the children behaviors itself. All violence on media can in fact lead the …show more content…

Many reliable sources has proven that exposure to media violence can give a negative influences to the children typically under the age of eighteen. According to the Beresin (2015), American kids can view more than 200,000 acts of violence which include about 16,000 murders on television before they reach the age of eighteen. Media content and television programs which contain more violence, portraying about 812 acts of violence per hour and surprisingly children’s programming, particularly cartoons display more than 20 acts of aggression hourly (Beresin, 2015). Children are in the stage of growth as in they are not mature enough to differentiate what is right and what is wrong and so they think that there is nothing wrong with what they are doing. Media especially television has become the most important thing for many children as they spend most of their leisure time watching television. In fact, in America, violent television programs and the presence of television have increased regularly over the year (AACAP, …show more content…

Media always display violent scenes on the screen that are more likely teach the viewers especially young children to be more violent. Violent film such as ‘Terminator’ and video games that are contented with violence such as ‘Counter Strike’ has become common in today’s generation in which it has been associated with increased in committing crimes. Heavy viewing of media violent by kids during 8 years old will lead them to be prosecuted for criminal acts as adults (American Psychological Association, 2013). Violence on media ‘inspired’ the children to commit crimes by watching the constant stream of violent scenes because they learn through observation, imitation and adoption of behaviors. According to American Academics of Pediatrics (2001), most of the animated feature films produced in the United States portrayed 100% of violence scenes statistically whereby it has increased the quantity of aggressive acts on media through the years. Through classical conditioning theory, children will act similar to what they observed in the media whereby they will become ‘immune’ to content of violence on media because of the over exposure of violence acts in which it is called desensitization. They no longer have the feelings of fear and anxiety on aggressive acts as they has desensitized to it. For instance, Noah Crooks, 13 years old has been prosecuted to