Medical Staff Create Outcomes: A Case Study

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In order to assess the effectiveness of patient teaching medical staff creates outcomes. Outcomes are individualized goals based on the patient’s problems that the medical staff intends to accomplish. Outcomes are measurable and include a time frame in order for the medical staff to assess their effectiveness on patient progression. L.L’s priority problem is ineffective management of therapeutic regimen r/t diabetes mellitus. Two key outcomes for this problem include, but is not limited to the patient and patient’s family will return demonstration of how to properly manage diabetes mellitus by 1500 on 8/24/2015, and patient and patient’s family will verbalize a minimum of three signs and symptoms of worsening diabetes mellitus by 1500 on 8/24/2015. …show more content…

Next, the patient’s cholesterol levels, which can be related to diabetes, but can also be related to current diet and exercise regimen. Outcomes that will be inclusive of lowering cholesterol, losing weight promoting wound healing, and assist in glucose control includes: the patient and patient’s family will verbalize a minimum of four components of a healthy diet by 1500 on 8/24/2015, and the patient will identify a minimum of three exercises that promote weight loss by 1500 on 8/24/2015. Last, the patient is very near sighted, which is possibly related to the diabetes. A proper outcomes for the patient’s vision is, the patient will wear corrective lenses by 1500 on 8/24/2015, and the patient will verbalize compliance of going to an ophthalmologist once a year by 1500 on