Essay On Medication Management

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Medication management is a theme in every patient lifestyle that demand will, order and consistency to effectively sustain to effective treatment. Depending upon the demographic range of patients it can be difficult to keep track of the exact time of the day and the number of times a medication should be taken. Many patients take several medication prescriptions during the day, this can create confusion which might lead to irregular medication intake, which can seriously jeopardize the health of the person.This confusion can be made by various factors known as medication packaging.Some medications are look-alike in primary packaging while others are look-alike in secondary packaging. Many lessons have been learnt from past historical records …show more content…

However for many patients, due to the same standardised products in terms of shape, colour, appearances and personal defficiency as sight, physical ability and other conditions like forgetfullness cause by brain damage or degeneration, or simply complex medication schedules causing mistakes; missing doses, taking incorrect amounts, or taking medicines at the wrong times, methods to help those groups were welcomed.The industry found an opportunity to assist patient consistency by means of a device to make medication therapy as easy as it can be for a stress free living.These devices are called by various names as drug dispenser, tablet box, pill box or medication organisers.Various models with practical hourly,daily, weeklyand monthly features came into existence which had to be regulated to make sure the materials in which medication are carried, stored and used for ease and consistency, are safe, do not change the chemical composition of the pharmaceutical product nor tend to create further stress to patients and