
Medusa Research Paper

193 Words1 Pages
Family: Most sources describe her and her sisters as the daughter of Phorcys and Ceto, known as the gorgons. Her sisters were Stheno, and, Euryale. She had two children with Poseidon, her sons’ names were Pegasus and Chrysaor. Birth: Not much is known about her birth, but she was born with snakes as locks of hair. She is a mortal, while her sisters are immortal. Death: Medusa was beheaded by the hero Perseus. He saw her reflection in a mirror, to avoid looking at her directly. Along with Perseus beheading her, came out Pegasus and his brother Chrysaor from the blood of her neck. Description: Anybody who looks into Medusa’s eyes would turn into stone. In Ovid, Medusa was the only Gorgon who had snakes as hair because of Athena’s punishment.

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