Melanoma Research Paper

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The integument (skin) is the body's largest and heaviest organ. It consists of two layers the epidermis which is a stratified squamous epithelium and the dermis which is a deeper connective tissue layer. Our skin defenses against infections, injuries, heat, and sunlight. Excessive amounts of ultra violet lights affect skin in negative ways, possibly leading to Melanoma skin cancer. Melanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer that arises from the melanocytes.
The cells that play an important role in the skin are the keratinocyte and the melanocyte. The keratinocyte is the formation of the keratin layer that protects the skin and the underlying tissues from the environmental damages. Melanocytes are the cells that are involved and responsible for the person's skin and hair color which produce a skin pigment called melanin. One of the functions of the melanin is to protect the skin from the sun damage and Ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Melanocytes cells are commonly found in part of the outer layer of skin, which is known as the epidermis. The color of any individual’s skin is produced by melanin. When skin is being exposed to the sun, melanocytes are producing more melanin, or pigment, causing the skin to gradually darken (Melanoma). …show more content…

Spending time in the sun for too long can cause normal skin cells to quickly become abnormal especially in fair-skinned people. The abnormal cells grow rapidly destroying tissues. People with lighter skin are at a higher risk of developing melanoma compare to people with darker skin. One of the reasons this happen is because people with lighter skin color produces less and lighter melanosomes whereas darker skin produces more and darker melanosomes. Sunburns, especially blistering sunburns (when two layers of skin separate & fill with fluid) can increase the risk of developing

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