Mental Health Case Study: Samkisha

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Samkisha has used alcohol, but not in the last three months and marijuana approximately 12 times in the last three months. She admitted to using marijuana about “every weekend.” She reported she used alcohol only once when she was in the 10th grade. Samkisha has never participated in treatment for alcohol or other drug use, but stated she would be willing to participate in such a program if ordered. Mental and Physical Health There are no indications of mental health problems in Samkisha 's case. Samkisha has shown no indications of homicidal ideation and no indications of suicidal thoughts. She has never had a mental health diagnosis. She did receive a psychoeducational evaluation through the Portsmouth Public School System on February 24, 2004. At that time it reported her “cognitive ability level was in the intellectually deficient range (having a score of 66).” There is no evidence that she was ever physically or sexually abused. There are no indications that she has been sexually aggressive. She has no known physical health issues. She is not on any medication. The psychoeducational evaluation is attached. Aggression/Violence With respect to violent …show more content…

Samkisha, while she does not demonstrate skills at generating or applying solutions, can at least identify her problems. She recognizes that some problem behavior is controllable, but frequently fails to take responsibility. For example, she usually fails to identify triggers in her environment that cause her problems. Samkisha believes she was not at fault for the current incident before the court. She continued to stress, along with her mother, that the victim was at fault because the victim punched her in her face with a closed fist and she responded out of