Mental Health Disorders Among Juveniles Research Paper

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Mental Health Disorders Among Juveniles Cynthia “Carli” Peek West Georgia Technical College Ms. JoAnn Gooch Abstract In this research paper, I will be discussing the mental health issues within juveniles before and after they become in the system. The major mental health disorders will be explained and given a solution on how to control or even fix the disorder. Many juveniles are sent into the system without even given the chance to be evaluated because society just looks at them as being kids or teenagers wanting to do bad. I believe that should change. Mental Health Disorders Among Juveniles Introduction Juvenile criminals have become a national concern. Most of society believe that juvenile offenders are just bad kids in need of discipline …show more content…

Conduct disorder is the most common and challenging mental health disorder within the juvenile system. Juveniles with Conduct Disorder (CD) show a routine of anger and disobedient behaviors to adults with authority. (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Many will display stubbornness, become spiteful to annoy others and in the end blame others for their actions. They can often be irritable, easily annoyed and do not like being told what to do. Youths with the disorder tend to have poor grades, drop out of school, bully others, have conflict with others, take drugs and drink alcohol. They go against the law lying and stealing. Most, stop this behavior after they …show more content…

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