Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Personal Statement

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I am applying for a Mental Health Nursing Mater’s degree because I want to help people who suffer from mental illness. With the skills I have acquired whilst working as a support worker and whilst undergoing a pyschaitric clinical course and practical as a nursing student, I believe I will achieve my goal of being a mental health Nurse practitioner. I gained some insight into a mental health career whilst undergoing my clinical rotations in a big psychiatric hospital back in my home country of Nigeria. The role includes writing care plans, interacting with the patients as well as carrying out ward rounds with a group of healthcare professionals.I would like to expand my knowledge further at a degree level and possibly higher. I’m also aware of the importance of treating people in a non-judgemental manner and to respect equality in a mental health setting such …show more content…

I am convinced that mental illness is an area in which most people are uncomfortable either talking about or taking part in preventing and supporting those who suffer from mental issues. I have excellent communication skills which I have gained through working in care .For example when I am communicating with clients that have trouble speaking, I will use good body language and good eye contact. I sometimes use objects such as toys when they want to play or a spoon when it is time to eat. I learned to use documentation when working with clients as each individual client has a care plan that we use to write their daily notes such as personal care, activities and appointments with doctors as every patient is unique in their own ways. This helps the other employees during handover because they will know how to help the clients based on the documentation I have written. This has taught me the importance of communication and team work as it contributes to successfully support people who suffer from mental