Mental Preparedness: Officer Roles During A Building Search

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Mental preparedness
You need to be mentally ready for the changes your body will go through as a result of the fight-or-flight response during building searches: You may experience an increase in blood pressure, heart rate, and blood flow to major muscle groups.
Simple movements will become difficult due to a lack of blood flow to the extremities.
Your ability to focus will decay.
You must remain in control and have confidence in yourself.
Always expect to find someone when you are searching a building.
Officer roles during a building search Depending on the amount of officers available to search a building, before searching the building, Officers must choose who will be a contact officer and who will be a cover officer.
Communication …show more content…

Fatal funnel: The doorway of a room that makes officers an easy target if they stay too long.
Encountering a suspect
If an officer encounters a suspect during a search they should confort the suspect behind some cover.
You should always handcuff a suspect, whether they 're alive, wounded, or appear to be dead.
When you encounter a suspect and your partner arrests them, you should cover your partner and wait until they are done dealing with the suspect to proceed with your search.
Clearing rooms
Stand against the wall next to the door with your gun close to your body, while reaching the doorknob with your other hand. If the door opens away from you, turn the doorknob and then push and immediately take a step backward against the wall again. If the door opens towards you, pull the door towards you quickly and again take a step backward. Once you opened the door you now have to Cut the pie- Taking small steps in a semi-circular motion to your right or left, scanning the room for any suspects.
Once you have finished cutting the pie you want to quickly enter the room and search any potential hiding spots such as: closets, underneath desks, under beds, in cabinets