Song Of Roland

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Acting by Faith not Sight

The human organism is designed to activate force into a flight mode when a threat happens. Blood flows to the main muscle in the body, and the heart rate rises. Fear exists in all of us, but courage is an essential to overcome fears to achieve a goal desired. Being a heroic character is one thing and being a realistic character is another. A hero is as an individual that takes action on behalf of others in need. In this essay, a brave and noble character is admired for fighting for his land and his religious believe in a battle that was believed to be obtained. The epic poem “The Song of Roland” is written in a series of laisses, and it is based on the Battle of Roncevaux between Christianity, and the Muslim, and …show more content…

Roland’s act of bravery proven by his acts, but he didn’t make clever decisions. Roland and Oliver acted heroic and sacrificed their lives to their land, but that wasn’t a brave thing to do, because they lost their lives to the enemy in an unfair battle. Both men were good friends until the last breath they took and they loved each other dearly. Each one of them viewed this battle in a different way. Roland had high hopes of winning this battle because of his high self-esteem. Oliver was realistic and knew this battle could not be won without help from others. Overconfidence can result someone to experience a problem that they are not prepared properly for a dangerous or deadly situation. Because of Roland being so self-centered, the Frenchmen, Oliver, and himself lost their lives to the enemy. Roland believed very highly in his own abilities, he thought too highly of himself and including the religious belief that God will allow them to overcome this battle. Oliver was brave, humble, and wise, because he acknowledged in the beginning that additional support is required for them to win this battle. Roland was being optimist while Oliver was being realist, they each did and requested what was the right thing to do and never gave up on what they believed and what they valued. It’s great to have confidence and courage, as long as others do not view you as being self-centered and