Meriwether Lewis Suicide Essay

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Meriwther Lewis suffered from depression, dementia, and had a history of alcoholism. Meriwether Lewis committed suicide.

People have had multiple claims as to the reasoning of why Meriwether Lewis committed suicide. One being, “He was subject to periodic spells of depression and overwhelmed by personal problems after the expedition” (Suicide Theories). And another being, “He had a debilitating physical disease that caused both his mind and body to deteriorate”
(Sucide Theories). These pieces of evidence support my claim because they give the opinions of people who knew Lewis personally and were around him. These pieces of evidence also support that Lewis suffered from depression and dementia from my claim. Lewis wrote a will which his friends found very suspicious. “Before he left for St. …show more content…

This piece of evidence supports my claim because it shows how suspicious it looked towards Lewis’ friends.
It is very odd that Lewis decided to set a will, and then “coincidentally” passed away. To his friends it definitely seemed to be suicide. “His friends assumed it was suicide.” (Suicide Theories). Lewis was also an alcoholic during his lifetime. “Lewis was documented as a heavy drinker at times in his life, including the period immediately preceding his death.” ( This piece of evidence supports my claim because it proves that Meriwether Lewis had a history of alcoholism and him being an alcoholic during his lifetime could have been a coping mechanism to cope with his depression, which once again leads to his suicide. Lewis also reportedly attempted to take his own life several times a few weeks earlier and was known to suffer from “sensible depressions of mind.” (Mysterious Death of Meriwether Lewis). This piece of evidence supports my claim since his attempted suicides were documented and proves that Lewis would take