Methyl Formate Lab Report

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X.Huang et al.[4] studied gas-phase hydrogenolysis of methyl formate at atmospheric pressure over two type copper based catalyst, copper chromite and skeletal copper. The product where analyzed by GCs with TCD, Porapack Q column and CTR-1. Before use the catalyst was reduced, the skeletal catalyst was heated to 483 K with H2 flown over for 1-2hour, while the copper chromite catalyst was heated to 513 K with H2 flown over for 4 hour. For the experiment the amount of catalyst was around 0,5g skeletal copper and 0,15 g copper chromite. In the experiment there was always stoichiometric or excess of H2 to methyl formate. The equilibrium conversion was calculated from different H2/Methyl formate ratio, where the side reaction was ignored. Calculated equilibrium conversion …show more content…

The selectivity to methanol was found to be larger than 95%, with the low conversion condition and CO2 as the only by-product. The skeletal copper catalyst deactivated fast, this was found to be from fouling caused by polymeric material building up. Copper chromite catalyst did not experience deactivation. Monti et al.[18] investigated gas-phase hydrogenolysis of methyl formate over silica supported copper catalyst. CO, methyl formate and methanol was separated in a Porapack N column. In the hydrolysis of methyl formate, H2 was used as a carrier. Hydrolysis of methyl formate at the temperature range of 429-457 K and at partial inlet pressure in the range of 3,5-14,5kPa, the conversion never exceeded 10%. The selectivity for methanol was always above 95%. In their work they also studied the effect CO has on the hydrolysis of methyl formate for Cu/SiO2 catalyst. First the CO/H2 stream was introduced to the reduced catalyst and a spectrum recorded. A second spectrum

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