Mexican American Parenting Style Analysis

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The purpose of this study is to see how Mexican American parents’ parenting style is influenced by their perceived neighborhood danger and their cultural values. It was a cross-sectional research study that looks at how the parents' cultural values and perceived neighborhood danger along with their levels of demand and responsiveness increase the chance of one parenting style of the other. They did not measure autonomy granting. The authors of this article also state that it’s possible for new parenting styles to appear from the parents' experience with ecological challenges like living in dangerous neighborhoods and their traditional cultural values. This is an important ecological challenge to investigate because those types of …show more content…

Their final hypothesis is that either both of the responsiveness level and demand will be affected by neighborhood danger or that there will be a higher level of harsh parenting, acceptance, and demand. The study the researchers use for this article is a sub-sample from a larger one with a sample size of 749 of families with 5th grade students in schools that are located “in a large metropolitan area of the southwestern U.S”. This sub-sample focuses on students in 5th grade who had both parents participating in a sample size of 466. However, four were missing data, so the final study included information from 462 families. It’s also important to note that 79.9% and 78.6% of fathers and mothers respectively were born in Mexico and lived on average of 15 and 12.3 in the United states for fathers and mothers respectively.According to the conductors of this study, Mexican Americans are more likely to have two-parent families which is why the researchers study two-parent Mexican American families. The researchers then analyze the parenting using a person-centered approach to discover which “unique variable patterns” appear naturally instead of the traditional parenting styles. They were measuring responsiveness which is the parents ‘attention and affection for the needs of the child and demands which is the level of rule enforcement, control, and …show more content…

The father’s parenting style in a dangerous neighborhood had a higher chance of being “ moderately involved” compared to authoritative and with his cultural values, there was a lower chance of him being “moderately involved” compared to authoritative. The authors of this article said that these finding could be explained by a lack of financial, material, other resources which are parental stressors that can occur in neighborhoods that are dangerous or disadvantaged. In the end, the researchers found that most of the mothers and fathers adhered to the well-known authoritative parenting since their demandingness and responsiveness was in line with that parenting

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