
Michael Jackson Research Paper

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Michael Jackson’s Greatest Album Release
Michael Jackson had a passion for music. He started singing when he was just a little boy and became a pop star as an adult. He was probably most famous for his album Thriller. Thriller was one of the top albums when it got released in 1982. This album was the start of his solo singing career. The song hit number one on the Billboard album in 1983 and stayed there for thirty-seven weeks (Sauer 1). His song is loved by millions of people, around the globe, and it also impacted millions of people. The release of Thriller has also changed the music business. His music continues to impact pop culture today, especially on MTV.
Michael Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana on August 29, 1958 (“Jackson” 1). He was in a singing group called The Jackson Five with his siblings. He started his singing career at only five years old, and he was also the youngest member of his singing group (1). …show more content…

Also, Jackson kept himself busy after the album Thriller by making a new album, making two music videos, and going on a world tour for eighteen months (Johnson 143). Then, Michael planned to do a solo debut in Japan with a band and backup singers (143). “As he entered the 1990s, Jackson was one of the world’s renowned entertainers with highly lucrative recording and endorsement contracts (“Jackson” 1). Furthermore, Jackson continued to sell millions of albums, including the album Dangerous (“Jackson” 2). Most of the albums he wrote after Thriller reached the top of the album charts; however, his music failed to match his work he did in the 1980s (2). Michael once said “I’ve always wanted to do great achievements, but, for the first time in the career, I feel like I have accomplished something because I’m in The Guinness Book of Records” (Johnson

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