Michael Sandel's 'Our Baby, Her Womb'

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It is often said that the only thing that remains consistent in life is change, that being said, it may be in Michael Sandel's best interest to heed those words. Through his essay "Markets and Morals", he attempts to convey the notion that, we, as a society, are moving from a market economy to a 'Market Society' where he believes that, "We live at a time when almost everything can be bought and sold." (Sandel 44) Expressing his disdain for the course the free market has taken with its practical figureheads he lists such as Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. Despite his apparent disgust with the direction of markets, he doesn't advocate complete regulation of them, Sandels actually spends a good portion of the essay raising more, philosophical questions, such as …show more content…

Whereas the basic idea behind "market triumphalism" can be described as, the pursuit of profit for its own sake (that is, independent of moral considerations). In this particular case, the points made regarding 'Market Triumphalism' in Michael Sandel's article "Markets and Morals." Will be applied to the short story "Our Baby, Her Womb" by Russell Hochschild. Moral bankruptcy can be explained as, "the state of being devoid of morality and ethics." That being said many different aspects of market triumphalism, or moral bankruptcy, are present in the story "Our baby, Her womb" some of the aspects including the breach of the markets into personal relations when we see the pursuit of wealth above all else legitimizes poor women to rent their bodies to wealthier individuals who desire children. Another being the sacred aspect of childbirth between two people, by turning child birth into a commodity or service, we are in a way devaluing the bond mothers share with their