Michaela Cullington's Article 'Does Texting Affect Writing'

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Rayleen Stacy Professor jungh English 101 18 January 2017 Man vs Machine In todays world we are entering an unknown territory when it come to machines. From the moment you wake up to till going to sleep at night, some machine is always in use. Machines are controlling the world and might dictacte the future of jobs. Machines are a marvelous piece of work but they dont have a consciousness and life that man does. The machines are time-saving devices, they are made to increase man’s life and they add comfort to man’s life. However what if the one thing helping society is also currupting it? Whereas machines are ruining the world by potientally taking mans jobs, lowering writing skills, but also a helpful tool by ability to express onself concisely …show more content…

When texting using a phone there has been easier ways to communicate than to write out a complete sentence. Instead of telling emotions people are able to just send a smiley and or a sad face to show emotion. Because of this , writing in young adults has progressively been getting worse. The debate of this started when teachers began to believe they were seeing a decline in the writing abilities of their students. In Michaela Cullington article “ Does Texting Affect Writing” she mentions that many teachers get frustrated that society had become sloppy and lazy about the mechanics of writing stating that“Teachers report finding “2” for “to,” “gr8” for “great,” “dat” for “that,” and “wut” for “what,” among other examples of text speak, in their students’ writing.” Although many teachers try to remind the students and it is not acceptable to use the sling when writing, it's become so easy to do so and to break the habit since it consumes so much of people's daily lives. , When you text texting doesn't stress the importance of punctuation so students are leaving formal writing behind, like apostrophes , commas and capital letters. When teens text Cullington remarks that “because they're engaging and written communication rather than oral speech texting teens learn how to convey the message to read her in because they are engaging and written …show more content…

Cullingtons article explains that texting actually helps people to “sharpen their diplomatic skills becausae it allows more time to formulate their thoughts and express them carefully.” Many may argue that texting helps a perosnd evelope their own individual voice. Masturing this voice allows the writer to “offer personal insights and express feelings that will interest and engage readers” Cullington. Texting may also offer a way for student who noramly struggle with writing to have a little extra practice. Children who struggle with literacy may overcome the fear of writing with texting being so simple to do. Cullington did further reasearch with seven hgihschoolers and she found out that “My research suggests that texting actually has a minimal effect on student writing. It showed that students do not believe textspeak is appropriate in formal writing assignments. They recognize the difference between texting friends and writing formally and know what is appropriate in each situation.” Texting could just be another excuse on why writing skills are lowering or it could be a real reason that should be