I think by definition moral principles are nonnegotiable. It is the personal guidelines for every individual in which they live and make decisions on. If you have ever heard the phrase “it is not the money it’s the principle. People are not always upset because you took their material belongings, money and etcetera. They are mad because you violated one of their values or moral principles. It does not matter if it was trust or to not steal or even just loyalty, it’s that you jaywalked on their moral highway. I had to answer that question so you may better understand the deep connection to this explanation, on how you determine right and wrong. I feel as although the common answer seems to be your environment this has to be the best and most solid answer undeniably. If you were to define ones environment you would say it is the external conditions, resources, stimuli etc. With which an organism interacts. In lamest terms I’ …show more content…
Conviction is passion its certainty and sincerity that drives you for all that is in your life, it is what Michelangelo had when painting the Sistine chapel in 1508 and what kept him there through 1512. Its what pushes men to fight and is what carried Jesus through his heart-wrenching experience on the cross. Its what keeps soldiers in the thick of it and keeps them dedicated to one another. Last but not least selflessness I do dare to say is what gives humanity there every day common decency. It is what makes you pause and hold the door even when your running late it is what inspires people to share knowledge and wisdom, if you were the smartest man in business you might just be the richest but if you don’t share your knowledge you just might be the most selfish. Although money can purchase entertainment it does not purchase true friends. It merely maintains a group of people like gravity. It is why every one relinquishes their time to each other even when we all have so