
Middle Childhood Research Paper

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In middle childhood, friendships and peer relations become very important. Children will begin to spend some time comparing themselves with others. The amount of time spent with peers will also increase so they can find a place within a social group. Social status is then introduced and becomes important for children. Social statues are the category a child is placed based on how they are treated by their peers. The placement of a child into a certain category social statues, such as popular, rejected children, neglected children, and controversial children. A parent or garden that is concerned and reflects an approving manner provides an “environment that aids the development of positive interactions in children” ( Lawhon & Lawhon 2000,p.107). Children living in …show more content…

Whereas, if a child sees themselves as smart and well liked who they have good self-esteem. The relationship between the single parent and the child tends to become more strained as well. The relationship becomes stranded because the parent becomes overwhelmed by stress of having a home and car maintenance. Older or younger siblings has shown to help with social development during middle child hood. An older sibling companionship can have a positive effect on, academic, peer, and parent relationships. When children are in a social environment with children of various ages, age usually determinants the social status. Social status is the “degree of power, authority, and influence that each person has in the view of the others” (Arnett, 2012, p.334). Popular children seem to be physically attractive and skilled at interacting and maintaining positive relationships, being socially competent. They are the ones who are most often liked and rarely disliked. Rejected children are often disliked and are rarely liked by their peers. The rejected children are often treated negatively because they are highly aggressive “but in about 10-20% of cases

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