Mike Doyle Liberalism

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Mike Doyle explores liberalism in his article “Liberalism and World Politics.” He breaks his article down using three forms of liberalism: liberal pacifism (citing works of Schumpeter), liberal imperialism (citing Machiavelli), and liberal internationalism (citing Kant). Doyle takes a Kantian approach (focusing on Kant’s Perpetual Peace) to the situation and analyzes at the state level, utilizing more of a 2nd level analysis. Doyle makes statements that suggest that liberal states have caused a large number of wars, and that liberal states tend to attack weak non-liberal states while at the same time they remain leery of other strong non-liberal states. He describes three “definitive articles” of peace, that revolve around the civil constitution …show more content…

He believes in human nature being that of a Hobbesian perspective, that life is poor, brutish and people are innately selfish. Morgenthau argues that a theory must be evaluated by its purpose. He discusses six main principles of political realism in his article, the first being that political realism requires that politics be grounded in observable laws of human nature and an attempt to change these leads to failure. The second principle is the centrality of power, that power is the main reason for interest in the political realm which is proven by history. The third is that there is no fixed scale for power, nothing is “universally valid.” The fourth is political realism is aware of the moral importance of politics. The fifth principle is that political realism does not recognize one states moral laws that are seemingly taking action to be applicable to the entire international system. The sixth and final principle focuses on the fact that policy has been time and time again guided by both legal and moral guidelines instead of just political