Miley Cyrus Research Paper

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As you know Miley Cyrus has changed over the years, by how she dressed, acted, and the songs she wrote. When she was in her teen years, she had her own tv show called Hannah Montana. Throughout the seasons of this show you can see how she starts maturing into an adult. The show was about how she wanted to be a singer but have a normal life at the same time. While she was doing that, she would go through normal teenage problems that everyone would go through. This show was made to help teens and kids with there own problems. Before all of this her dad, Billy Ray Cyrus was a very famous country singer. Her dad inspired her to sing, most of her family sang, it was a family thing. She has three brothers Trace, Braison, and Christopher, two sisters Noah and Brandi. Lastly She has her mother and father Tish Cyrus and Billy Cyrus. …show more content…

As she started growing up into more of an adult she started to dress “crazy” as people would say. She started showing more skin, having different creative outfits, and she dyed her hair blond and cut it really short. This all began when she Broke up with her fiance Liam Hemsworth. That impacted her life in an interesting way, No one really knew what was going on with her. Now she has picked herself back up and made a different come back, She is back to her country self and starting to dress more appropriate and southern

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