Military Leadership Research Paper

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Is Military Leadership any different from that in other field of human endeavour? Does it require a similar leadership philosophy, choice of leadership style and leadership values as a leadership in civilian life?
Leadership cuts across different facets of life. People often debate whether leadership comes from birth or acquired over time and for some, it may be a bit of both. People are born with a degree of leadership embedded in their inherent character and personality, but it is the life experience that would hone this further to a varying degree depending on one’s upbringing and development. From time to time, joining suitable courses for leadership development may also be useful and so is finding inspirations from well-known leaders …show more content…

However, Using this style, Goleman argues it is only effective in a crisis, when an urgent turnaround is needed. Even the modern military has come to recognize its limited usefulness.
Joseph S Nye of Harvard Kennedy School specified in an article entitled “Soft power, Hard Power and Leadership” (2009) that leadership styles are changing in today’s information …show more content…

There is much confusion about leadership as it can be taken a fault as management. There is almost a same difference between management and leadership . At the core of this definition, management is about purpose, structure, disciplines, processes, delivery and the mechanics of an organisation. We can contrast this with leadership which is about vision, direction, influence, communication and the aspirations of people.
One way of thinking about leadership versus management is to consider the differences between the Ancient Romans and the Anglo Saxons . The Ancient Romans were structured, well-organised and disciplined. They were role models for management. The Anglo Saxons operated as small tribes, led by charismatic chieftains who ruled by the will of their people and based on loyalties to a territorial ideal. Their style exemplified leadership.
Managers get their authority and power from being appointed to a position by more senior managers. Leaders get their authority and power from being able to influence and persuade others to follow them and this is why leaders are often referred as being recognised as such by their followers, in fact, they can’t be leaders until they have people to follow