Miller Lite Beer

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The commercial uses a scene in a bar where almost consumers are young men and women. Everybody is talking and enjoying their Miller Lite beer. In addition, two main characters in the ads are a handsome man and sexy woman. The man orders a light beer without caring too much about the beer’s tastes. The bartender, sexy woman gives the man a generic beer and tells him that he cannot have the Miller Lite until he takes of his “purse”. She really makes him confuse that he is just wearing a carry-all, not a purse. The sentences, “Man up! Because you are drinking a beer without great pilsner taste, you are missing the point of drinking beer.” reminds the young men need to be masculine. Then, the commercial continues with the scene of the man and his friends are sitting together. The man stands up and talks to other guys that he is going to take another Lite beer. The purpose of this …show more content…

The girl in the commercial is a women’s women because most women can relate to situations that is similar to the commercial. A girl is rushing into her friend’s office and raving about the new guy who has been employed by the company. She does not know that this guy is currently sitting in her co-worker’s office. This girl asks her co-worker many information about the new guy such as “How hot he is. Tall? Dark? No weeding ring? She does not know that this guy is currently sitting in her co-worker’s office. The sentence, “sometimes you just need a stronger antiperspirant” is really right. The appearance of women need to attractive man. The Secret Clinical Commercial is a women’s men commercial because the ideal man in the commercials is good-looking and friendship. The women like a man because of their looking. This commercials helps the women enhance their beauty with the product. However, I think this commercial has a little bit overlapped because this advertisement just showed about the empowerment, confidence and natural beauty of