Mini Critique Paper

400 Words2 Pages

Mini-Critique: Study Purpose/Hypotheses
In this research the problem is the attitudes and knowledge about Urinary incontinence. The research problem is easy to locate and is clearly stated in the title of the research. This problem is very important in healthcare due to urinary incontinence being identified as a pivotal reason for admission to a skilled nursing facility. The knowledge and attitudes of healthcare workers are very important for better patient outcomes and care.
There were two main questions for this research which are 1) what are the differences in urinary incontinence and knowledge between RNs, LPNs, and CNAs; and 2) are there any changes in attitude and knowledge about urinary incontinence among nursing staff after educational in services and the placement and utilization of a bladder ultrasound scanner in a skilled nursing facility? These questions are clear, concise, and easy to understand what the research is looking for. These questions play a vital role in the research, without these two questions there would be no research. These questions are testable and measurable. …show more content…

They were 1) Bladder disorders are a normal part of aging, 2) Urinary incontinence is seen in at least 50% of nursing home residents, 3) Performing a bladder scan is an invasive procedure, 4) The BladderScan is only used when initially assessing a newly admitted resident, 5) Decreasing daily fluid intake can prevent episodes of urinary incontinence ? These questions were clear and to the point and painted a picture for the researcher of the knowledge base of the healthcare professionals. These questions were asked prior to any educational training and after the training and showed an increase in knowledge of urinary incontinence and the use of a bladder

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