Minorities In The Media Essay

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Media and Minorities What is shown in media such as TV shows or in the news is generally taken as the truth. What’s portrayed on TV is accepted as how people should act in real life. So what’s the problem here? In America, whoever controls the media, controls society. Or at least, they shape society’s view of the world. And the people who control media is generally white men. Not that white people and males always exclude minorities on purpose, they just tend to not understand the need for diversity because they are used to being able to relate to whoever they see on TV. And not being able to see people in media that you can relate to growing up can be disappointing and even harmful to children. Media constantly polices women and girls on how they should look and act. Often times completely excluding any representation of people of color. …show more content…

Both articles completely exclude all minorities, such as POC and the LGBTQIA+ community. It seems minorities are often left out of discussions when it comes to sexism. “Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt” is a classic example of “white feminism,” the kind of feminism that ignores how race, class, and other social categorization affects how a person experiences misogyny. This is a significant issue among anyone who isn’t white, straight, cisgender, basically any minority. It’s obvious that neither of these authors are a part of the aforementioned minorities, because if they were there’s no doubt they would at least touch on these topics. What is needed in this conversation is someone who knows from firsthand experience how media’s portrayal of minorities, or more commonly, lack of, affects