Misconceptions Affecting Adolescent's Use Of Social Media

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According to Jay Baer, fifty-six percent of Americans have some type of social media account (The Edison Research). Social media is a massive source of communication, and in some cases can be very addictive. This is a controversial issue because the adolescent generation is being judged by the aging generations. There is a common misconception that social media overly consumes all adolescents because it is highly depended on causing the aging generations to have a negative outlook on the current generation. The adolescent generation’s use of social media can be seen as controversial because some believe that it is consuming their lives, however adolescents may view the issue as irrelevant. The generation in college is most affected by this …show more content…

He explains that users of social media are often dependent of others opinions by stating “Neuroticism is assumed to be positively related to use of social media as it may be a way of seeking support” (502). This extract shows that users of social media seek the approval of their peers before they think that something is sociably acceptable. However this can be seen as unfitting because most Americans are rebellious anyway, and want to go against whatever society wants or considers acceptable in their subjective …show more content…

Agarwal claims how crucial social media is in today’s society, so crucial that society finds it extremely difficult to live without. He states that “Technologies have made our living easier and now, one cannot imagine life without technologies” (Agarwal 170), which helps the reader understand how important Agarwal thinks social media is and how dependent the world is on it. Although society uses the hell out of social media, to say the world is dependent is a vast over statement. The older generations sees the younger generations reliant of social media, which is where most of the fallacy of this addiction comes