Misogynistic Portrayal Of Women Essay

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The media's misogynistic portrayal of women is hard to ignore. When we turn on our TV, walk down the street, plug in our earphones, and the images bombard you. In our society, women are portrayed as highly sexualized beings that evoke feelings of fantasy and desire that are shown in all aspects of media. Our culture damages girls and women from a young age and makes them believe that being strong, smart and accomplished is not enough. This causes women and especially young girls to see themselves and use their bodies as objects. The sexualization of women is apparent in all aspects of media, but I will be focusing on music, advertisement, and film.
In our society, women are portrayed as highly sexualized beings that evoke feelings of fantasy and desire that are shown in all aspects of media, but is perhaps most often used in the production of advertisements. For example, we can see the use of women in Axe Deodorant ads. In the Axe ads there is a male model that is accompanied by an attractive female, who seems to be attracted to the male simply because of his deodorant. The ad does not highlight any direct benefits related to their product, instead it brings the focal point to the woman. It turns the woman into the …show more content…

The majority of the audience who consume this message are young girls, who see these messages and are influenced to act, dress, and look like these women. When young boys see these messages, they get the idea that women should just be valued for their looks instead of being valued for who they really are. Popular culture should do more to empower women instead of sexualize them. Media has been portraying women like this for a good while and I don’t think it will change anytime soon but, as a consumer we can make a difference by speaking out against these misogynistic portrayals and encourage others to be critical thinkers when confronted with these