Sexualization Essays

  • Sexualization Of Women Today: A Content Analysis

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    did display these factors surrounding the sexualisation of women, which are clearly affecting individuals and especially adolescents, evident through this article. 4. Conclusion To conclude, from the content analysis, it was proved that the sexualization of women is a highly common trend in today’s magazine covers and although only 6 out of the myriad of magazine covers were chosen and examined, this

  • Analysis Of Thomas Mann's The Magic Mountain

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    Would you feel naked if you saw an x-ray of yourself? What we might not see as sexual in current times could be interpreted differently and perhaps even as pornographic not so long ago. An important development in the visualisation of the human anatomy caused an interesting reaction. In the book The Magic Mountain (1924) by Thomas Mann, his main character Hans Castorp goes to visit his cousin in a sanatorium in Switzerland, because his cousin suffers from tuberculosis. During this time taking x-ray

  • Persuasive Essay On Child Beauty Pageants

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    Beauty Pageants are events which women and younger girls or boys compete in across the world but the most popular country for these pageants are USA. The age requirements start at 3 years for both girls and boys, I feel this is too young an age to start brainwashing them. Many critics claim that the beauty pageants place more emphasis on the physical aspects of the body and over look the other aspects. This is what causes these pageants to be so unhealthy for the younger children competing. On

  • Essay On Gender Representation In Mass Media

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    The representation of gender in mass communications has been a hugely debated topic for years and will continue to be one for many more years to come. The media plays a big role in how they want to portray a gender to the public. They create certain stereotypes through the role of a gender in order to attract a large audience and interest to sell a product, brand or image. Media is so important in today’s society, people spend hours and hours each day watching TV, browsing the Internet and reading

  • American Beauty Pageants

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    Introduction Beauty Pageants are a relic of an old era- where objectifying women was the norm. Pageants would struggle to pull off a delicate balancing act -- objectifying women while providing them with real opportunities; promoting traditional roles while encouraging women's independence; glorifying feminine modesty while trading on female sexuality. Along the way, it would come to be a barometer of the nation's shifting ideas about American womanhood. With the advent of feminist movement in 20th

  • Why Do Women Have Low Self Esteem

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    1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background   Seldom to listen women will appreciate they have a pretty face. Conversely, women always focus on the defects. “My eyes are not big enough.” “My face is not white enough.” Even they are pretty in strangers’ views. Women have low self-image of their bodies. They did not satisfy with their bodies and their appearance. 1.2 Aims and Objectives   This essay aims to investigate why women have low self-esteem in the modern societies. The objectives of the study are to find

  • Femininity In Film

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    “I don't know why femininity should be associated with weakness. Women should be free to express who they are without thinking, 'I need to act like a man, or I need to tone it down to be successful.' That's a very good way to keep women down” said Zooey Deschanel, an American actress. However, the main reason behind femininity’s association with weakness is due to society’s perception of the fundamentals of femininity. As a matter of fact, the main contributory influence to the unhealthy perception

  • Misogynistic Portrayal Of Women Essay

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    of media. Our culture damages girls and women from a young age and makes them believe that being strong, smart and accomplished is not enough. This causes women and especially young girls to see themselves and use their bodies as objects. The sexualization of women is apparent in all aspects of media, but I will be focusing on music, advertisement, and film. In our society, women are portrayed as highly sexualized beings that evoke feelings of fantasy and desire that are shown in all aspects of media

  • Gender Roles In Westernized Culture

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    metamorphosis, ways of captivating the public’s attention through mass media and retailing, has taken a colossal turn by giving things like, ads and endorsements a bigger meaning through subliminal messages. Most of these subliminal messages contain the sexualization women, and the gender role of men. Within modern subliminal messages, mythology has been a very popular encoded tool that has been used as an informative to direct society into a processed way of thinking. This processed way of thinking has led

  • Adolescent Sexualization

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    school and sleep. Research has linked sexualization in the media to the three most common mental health problems in girls and women: eating disorders, low self-esteem, and depression. Overall, research in this field tends to point to sexualizing material increasing intensity and in volume over time. Children and adolescents spend most of their time with entertainment media than any other activity apart from school and sleep. Research has linked sexualization in the media to the three most common

  • Sexualization Of Women In Sports

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    In other words, are the reviling pictures that are posted of athletes helping them promote their respected sport? Or even the company they are posing for? Even when female athletes attempt to withdraw from the media’s sexualization, they experience criticism from their viewers and even peers, further establishing the importance of sex appeal in women’s sports. In 1997 the Harvard Law Review found that female athletes in the United States have historically faced resistance

  • Sexualization In Advertising

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    Advertisements have many weapons to draw the audience in such as ethical hooks, emotional hooks, or sexual hooks.The advertisement for “Game of War” featured in the Super Bowl uses Kate Upton and her body to sell their phone game. The ad objectifies Kate by giving her “power” but never proving she has any, focusing on her bosom, leading potential players to believe she’ll be in the game, using irrelevant scenes to emphasize how attractive she is, and by belittling women of color all at the same

  • Sexualization Of Advertising Essay

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    children (87). But there are serious costs associated with sexualization of childhood. Research links media sexualization to a series of tangible harms to girls: lack of confidence in and comfort with their bodies, eating disorders, low self-esteem, depression, distraction, shame, anxiety, self-disgust, unhealthy sexual attitudes and practices, and sexual problems in adulthood(88). Beyond the issues of selling unhealthy products and sexualization of kids, marketers promote materialism among kids. Research

  • Sexualization Of Music Essay

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    music? For me it’s apart of life, it has such a huge impact on the way we view our world and ourselves. This gives a sort of power to musicians and artists to control some of the ways we act and behave. I’m here to talk to you today about the sexualization among artists in music and the type of impact it has on us. This epidemic comes from the idea that “sex sells”. Which basically means that someone can use suggestive imagery or traits to gain a profit. So popular figures such as singers, will

  • Native Women Sexualization

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    women of color have been overly sexualized, white women seem to have been disqualified from both expressing sexual behavior and from being sexualized. Regardless, the female body has been sexualized over and over to the benefit of men in power. Sexualization can go one of two ways as proven in the differences between Native American and colonial white women. In the early course of American history, when English colonizers were coming to the New World and discovering Native American tribes, the native

  • Sexualization Of Girlhood Essay

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    is the concept of sexualization. This concept can be applied to many aspects of girlhood, but merchandizing and consumerism will be discussed in this paper. Young girls can also be influenced by the media, such as television shows and movies, but there is positive influence woven into the characters and scenes of

  • Sexualization Of Women Essay

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    For this post, I chose to talk about the sexualization of young girls and women in the entertainment industry. It is known that the entertainment field, and specifically the advertisement discipline, has a big influence on the behaviors and attitudes of our society. The advertising of our times has deformed the concept of beauty and I think this is one of the biggest ethical dilemmas in the entertainment field. Companies and brands have always used, as a persuasive approach, the bodies and faces

  • Sexualization Of Women Essay

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    to the type of clothing they wear. Young women everywhere have especially been open to these struggles. The types of clothing they wear to the way they look all have effects on these girls. Sexism has been shown by unfair standards of modesty, sexualization of woman, and biased treatment. Women should not be judged by the types of clothing they wear. Unfortunately, women have been exposed to unfair standards of modesty. For several years, women have been put to these specific standards.

  • Sexualization Of Women Essay

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    look scandalous”. By the age 16, 90% of women are sexually harassed from a cat call to a slap on the ass. Due to the sexualization of women beginning with clothing it has become a way for men or others to justify rape culture. Leading to women believing they are seen as objects. Unjustly, all around schools, social locations, government buildings, even in your own home sexualization may occur. Women are depicted as degrading which is harmful due to the perceived image certain clothes pose on a woman's

  • The Roles Of Sexualization In Advertising

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    There are different ways that the practices of sexualization are represented in the world of advertisement. The guys in advertisements is know as sex objects, by putting their boxy on the line to make the advertisement more eye catching. For example, the Old Spice commercial show the man in the commercial are shirtless, and is supposed to be attractive to women. They want the women to be more attractive the men in the commercial, and once women see these commercials it allows them to ask their husbands