Sexism And Racism Essay

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Racism, is of different groups of people, is awful in our existence nowadays, and although it has awful results there are results to those problems. Sexism, set of attitudes and behaviors towards people that judge or belittle them on the basis of their gender, or that perpetuate stereotypical assumptions about gender roles. Racism is soo common in today's popular culture. Whether its people of color being treated or killed by police, susceptibility to poverty, one's skin color determines a whole range of variables in life. For example, blacks in America face a disproportionate number of social and economic barriers — but the racial problem is not binary. It extends way beyond a white-black disparity, affecting Hispanics, Arabs and a miscellany …show more content…

When has sex/gender not be stereotyped in media? Using woman's sex appeal to sell their products. Guys wanting to get laid by a "hot chick", or just what ads or companies use women to make people want to buy their products. It has become so common and commonplace, we do not notice it. "Her waist is not that skinny because there is not a single woman in this world that has a 23" waist and wears a D-cup bra without the aid of implants. Every woman has imperfections in her skin because every single woman is human." says Paul Suggett. Advertising's only main function is to create a need so that a company can provide products or services to meet that need. For example, most men drink only certain brands of beer or alcohol because they identify them with advertising's impossibly perfect, flawless, girls or women. They think, "If I drink that certain type of beer, I will get that woman." On the other hand, women and girls buy certain clothes, foods, and makeup products in a vain attempt to resemble the beer-drinking girl on TV. Although, several brands, including Dove and Aerie, tried to move away from the images of perfection. They claim that they are to be "Photoshop-free," and real, diverse women. Of course, they still use women that are very attractive in their

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