
Miss Caroline: A Short Story

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The Truth About Miss Caroline
I unlocked my classroom door, and was surprised that it looked the same as the classrooms in Winston County, where I used to live. There was a blackboard, desks in rows, a bookshelf, and a teacher’s desk. I began to set up. I picked out a book called Ms. Cat and set it on my desk to read later. All of a sudden, the students began to arrive. I recognized one of them, a girl who went by the name of Jean Louise Finch, sitting in the third row. I groaned quietly. As soon as the children started to settle down, I introduced myself “Hello class, I’m Miss Caroline! I’m sure we will have a lovely time this year.” I wrote my name on the board.
“I’m from North Alabama, from Winston county. To start off today, I have a book that I want to read, it’s called Ms. Cat.” …show more content…

I went to the blackboard and printed the letters in enormous square capitals, turned to the class and asked. “Does anybody know what these are?”
All of them nodded, but I chose Jean Louise to recite them. She recited them perfectly. I started to get nervous for some reason. I was expecting everyone to be at the same education level. I pulled out a book and asked her to read it. She read it like a fifth grader, so I asked her to read the quotations from The Mobile Register aloud, she read it perfectly. I felt like someone had just dropped a weight on my back
“Now, dear, you tell your father he can’t teach you anymore. It will interfere with your reading.” She looked

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