Summary Of The Achievement Of Desire By Richard Rodriguez

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Two Peas in a Pod
In Richard Rodriguez’s narrative “The Achievement of Desire”, he made an instant connection while reading a book by Richard Hoggart . He made connections with this young Hispanic boy on all types of things/for instance his ethnicity, desire to learn and idolizing his teachers. The young boys and Rodríguez’s problems are some I have faced in my childhood as well. Most of these pushed me to be great the same way it did Rodriguez. The connect I had with the author while just reading the first few paragraphs was truly unrealistic. Robert Rodriguez was pushed by how uneducated his parents where and he was determined to better than them. He went off to Stanford and his parent became upset because all their children before him went to local state colleges. His parents asked him “why isn’t the local colleges good enough for you”, but in reality he just wanted to have a quality education that would really benefit him. My senior in high school I began to receive scholarships and a lot of the schools where out of state schools from all over Arkansas, California, New Mexico and others , but my family believed I …show more content…

Both of our mothers know how hard it is for a minority to get employed and be successful without a degree. Rodriguez always wanted to show his parents what he learned but he didn’t want to stick out like a sore thumb. I loved to run home and show my parents what teachers had taught me, but most of the time my father would be at work when I got home. If he was home he was so tired that he only ate and sleeps and didn’t really give me any attention. My mother on the other hand would always ask “how as you day at school and what did you learn?” then she would stop what she was doing and go over the very basic curriculum with me. Both of our fathers where very hard working men and they just didn’t know how to respond to a child who was jumping for knowledge. So I had to find someone who could show me the attention I