Miss Smartie Pants Research Paper

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Miss Smartie Pants Bonnie Sue Snedeker (aka Miss Smartie Pants) was born in Inglewood, California at the Storks Nest hospital. The name of the hospital alone started her on a life long road of being a Smartie Pants. Bonnie Sue Snedeker also known as Bonnie snot eater by the local bad boys. She was one of two children being raised by their loving grandmother who just adored them. She was raised in Phoenix, Arizona where the weather was nice year round, as far as she remembers. At a very young age she was taught manners and how to respect her elders. She and her older sister attended church gatherings with their grandmother. It was quite boring for young girls that had no place in speaking unless spoken too. For small children and …show more content…

Having been blessed with such a great imagination every object she saw became an amazing treasure. One day in late summer an old two burner stove became the main object to her imaginary bakery. Miss Smartie Pants created the best mud pies one could create. Each pie was crafted with the right combination of clay. mud and water. If the combination was not perfect they would either become to watery, or extremely dry. She had it down to a perfect science. Decorations came later with larger more beautiful rocks that were placed on top. These mud cakes were masterpieces in her …show more content…

The wondrous colors of red, orange and shades of pink and purple danced across the sky among the white clouds that remained from the earlier monsoon that had rolled through. While admiring the beauty before them Miss Smartie Pants’ sister joined them on the porch swing to engage in the evenings topic of conversation. With all three of them now enjoying God’s gift of enjoyment complete bliss has fallen over them all. Grateful once again for the glory they were able to