Mission Specific Roles As Strategic Planner

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Considering the Galvin reading in the Seminar Learning Lesson I believe that I need to strengthen Mission-Specific roles as Strategic Planner and as Senior Leader at the Strategic Level. Although I’ve been serving in a military over 26 years and I have experience in dealing with issues at strategic level, there is a whole spectrum of capabilities that strategic leader at the strategic level should develop in order to fulfill its mission and serve its organization and country better.
Recent years I’ve served as a Strategic Advisor and Communicator several times in order to inform and influence senior military leaders about military operations design and planning. As well, I advised and influenced senior military leaders in organizational design …show more content…

Twelve years ago I received an assignment as a commander of the First Battalion in Signal Brigade, which was subordinated directly to Joint Staff. My Battalion was in charge of static communication networks and services for the Ministry of Defense, Joint Staff and entire Armed Forces, spanning across over 80 sites all around Croatia. As a new Signal Battalion commander I conducted environmental scanning, observed and oriented myself and then reconsidered mission and vision of my Battalion. During this process I realized that Battalion’s processes, procedures, organization and the most important organizational culture were out of date and not aligned with contemporary information technology services and expectations from our users. In order to improve this my Staff and I developed a new proposal for the mission and vision of the Battalion. After that I presented the proposal to the Signal Brigade commander and J6 Directorate and they approved it. During this process great help and contribution was from my friend who served as the head of Brigade S6 section, we spent hours and hours in “dialogue” and “discussion” about desirable design, organization and functions of military communication and information technology unit and its products and outcomes. The final product of this effort was (is) communication and information technology service provider unit that is capable to provide services in challenging military environment, equipped with world leading service management best practice framework and with changed organizational culture that recognizes users and services as the epicenter of Battalion efforts. The