Mlk Reflection

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Since the age of six I knew how great Martin Luther King. Martin Luther King would be the person I would interview if I could go back in time. Dr. King took great risks to voice his opinion. Dr King was a leader a great family man. He helped with the peace movement. He overcame a lot of racism during his time trying to voice his opinion. Dr king was always outspoken. The first question that I would ask him would be what made him speak out. He was the only one to speak out. It was pretty much him against everyone. I like how he just didn’t speak for his race, he wanted all race to be fair. Another question would I wonder how long it took for him to prepare the “I Have Dream” speech. I feel like it took him long time to think of how say it. He probably had a lot of help making this speech. I even bet he didn’t spend time with his family due to the speech. Whenever we think about him it will always be for his great speech. One question that comes to mind that I would ask is who his hero is and why. I would ask him this because I think it be interesting if his hero was just like him. Maybe his hero encouraged him to do what he did. Maybe he doesn't have hero. If there was only one question I could ask him it be this one. …show more content…

I'm not really sure if he would be happy how we are doing. I know he be happy of the progress we made compare to his time alive. How would he make our time better? I can’t imagine anymore idea he could come with to make us much better. I would ask him if he ever thought of running for president or a mayor. I think it would've been interesting if he would of ran for president because his popular raised when he gave the famous speech. It would also catch my attention what plans would he have for America. I would ask him how he feels about Donald Trump. I think it be interesting if he likes him or doesn’t mind