Respiratory System Assessment

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This concept is taken from Block 4, Module 6 which is entitled as ‘Assessment of respiratory system’. The respiratory system comprises of different organs used in respiration. Respiration involves inhalation and exchange of oxygen and carbondioxide between living organisms and the environment. The organs of respiration include; the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, 2 bronchi, bronchioles, 2 lungs and muscles of breathing (the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm).

5.1 Personal context
Respiratory system assessment is the process of evaluating the functioning and condition of a patient’s respiratory system. During assessment of the respiratory system, the nurse takes the patient’s history …show more content…

In order to perform a complete respiratory assessment on a patient, the following techniques must be implemented which include history taking and physical examination. Before an assessment is made, the nurses ensures that the examination quiet, safe and has adequate light. During inspection, the nurse observes the physical appearance of her patient, note the skin color, respiratory rhythm, rate and depth, monitor oxygen saturation, symmetry of the chest and shape. During palpation, the nurse uses her index finger to check for the position of the trachea and to ensure that the trachea is central. During percussion, the nurse strikes the chest to determine the condition of the underlying tissues. The nurse percusses the lobes of the lungs and over the heart to detect any abnormalities. During auscultation, the nurse places her stethoscope over the lungs and heart to detect abnormal breath sound e.g. stridor, rales, rhonchi etc. Assessment of the respiratory system will enable the nurse to detect the respiratory problems and to make good diagnosis for the patients.

5.3 Application in current Job
Assessment of the respiratory system is essential and enables me to know the respiratory condition of my patients. During assessment, I take a comprehensive data of my patients to know and understand the patient’s respiratory condition and to know the factors that predisposes the patient …show more content…

This concept is taken from Block 4, Module 7 which is entitled as ‘Assessment of cardiovascular system’.
The cardiovascular system can also be referred to as the circulatory system. It comprises of the heart and the blood vessels. The major function of the cardiovascular system is to transport nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the body and to remove waste products from the body like carbondioxide. The heart pumps the blood while the blood vessels deliver blood to all body parts.

6.1 Personal context
The cardiovascular system ceases to perform its roles when some factors like diseases are involved. The diseases affecting this system is referred to as cardiovascular diseases or heart diseases. These heart diseases are among the major diseases with high rate of mortality and morbidity rate. The aged people are more prone to heart diseases including men. Examples of heart diseases include; heart failure, coronary artery diseases, congenital heart diseases etc. the causes of heart diseases include heredity, excessive smoking and weight gain, lack of rest, diabetes mellitus, sedentary lifestyle etc. To a greater extent, most heart diseases are preventable and the people at risk of having this disease include; heavy smokers, fat people, people that does not exercise and those that perform stressful activities, diabetic people, familial tendency etc. The nurse plays her roles in reducing and preventing

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