Simplified Acute Physiology Score Analysis

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In critically ill patients, several scoring systems have been developed. The Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) and the Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS) are the most common scoring systems used in the intensive care unit (ICU).[1] They are used for risk stratification and prediction of mortality.[2] The scoring systems should be easy, quick,cheap and predict something clinically important over a wide range of clinical situations.[3] While it seems that scores using a larger number of data inputs are the best scoring systems, simpler scores are better than complex scores. The more the score complexity, the more the barrier to calculation, as it increases the probability that some data inputs may not be available. If a simpler score is available on all patients it would lower cost and complexity for …show more content…

The EWS is easy and simple to use at the bedside, which may help in recognizing patients with potential for acute deterioration.[7] The Early Warning Score predicts the need for hospital admission and in-hospital mortality in European hospitals.[8] In surgical setting, EWS is used to detect patients requiring emergency surgery. also, postoperative EWS was used in predicting mortality.[9] The Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS) was validated in UK in 2001 as a bedside tool to identify patients at risk of critical events including death. It is based on five variables (systolic blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature, and neurological status).[10] Despite that MEWS was designed for medically admitted patients, it has been used in emergency and elective colorectal surgical patients for early identification of critical events.[11] Reini and colleauges stated that MEWS is a useful tool in predicting ICU mortality, 30-day mortality and length of stay in the

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