Monergism Vs Christianity Essay

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Salvation is found in no one, but Christ Jesus; however, how does this salvation come to an individual. Or even more, does an individual have a role to play within the process of salvation? These questions have circulated within the church for centuries and at times, have divided the body of Christ greatly. However, one consensus has remained; salvation is both a gift and a task.1 This means that God fully accomplished salvation for humanity in the past (gift), but also his salvation continues to work its way into ones life now and into the future (task). And yet, the role God plays versus humanity plays within salvation is what has separated Christians over salvation. Therefore, two perspectives aim to explain salvation; which are, monergism …show more content…

The basis for this belief is anchored in original sin or as later termed, total depravity. In other words, humans have nothing inside of them that seeks after God;3 therefore, God seeks men and women to save them. Furthermore, Calvinism is most often associated with monergism and highlights unconditional election, meaning God choses who is saved; and limited atonement, meaning Christ’s death was only for those God chose.4 Their list also includes irresistible grace and perseverance of the saints; however, just with the first two it is very clear that most monergists believe that the gift and task of salvation is solely the work of God apart from any human decision or …show more content…

For example, Catholics belief salvation comes through faith in addition to “works of love.”8 Therefore, salvation is tied to a continued practice of the sacraments.9 On the other hand, Protestants believe salvation is solely the result of faith in Christ apart from any human action; yet “works of love” flow from one being saved and sanctified.10 Finally, as Olson points out, “The decisive difference between the classical Protestant view and the orthodox Catholic view lies in the nature of justification within the order of salvation as well as in the role of