Monkey's Paw: A Fictional Narrative

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That night after Mrs. White wished for the son to be alive, they heard a loud pounding at the door. Thump thump. “Wake up wake up”Mrs White cried. “Herbert is alive!” You're out of your mind that stupid monkey paw doesn't even work. Mrs. White rolled her eyes and tore the covers of the bed and started running down the staircase through the hallway to the door. THUMP THUMP “Calm down” Mr. White said sternly. Some people are trying to sleep here.”
I can't sleep when my boy is outside all cold and wet he must be so miserable. Don’t open that door shouted mr. white Why not ,asked mrs White. It's not safe the monkey's paw has a consequence to each wish. Oh please the could be no consequence to getting my boy back alive. Mr. White started chasing