
Monkey's Paw Research Paper

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The gift if the monkey's paw would decide the fate of one small town girl's life and impact her in ways no one would see coming. It was a peaceful, calm, and beautiful day in Des Moines, Iowa. Rachel was just going to her local post office. She took her key from her purse and unlocked her box. She took out her mail and said, “ This is weird, I was not expecting a package, but it is addressed to me.” Then she sat down in the chair in the corner of the room. She opened the brown rectangular shaped box that was in her mailbox and couldn’t believe her eyes. It was the paw of a monkey, she knew this because she went to Africa and studied animals and the cultural of the people in Africa. There was a note attached to the paw that said, “This paw will grant you any three wish. Be careful what you wish for.” She drove home and started to think of what had just occurred. …show more content…

Then Rachel took the monkey’s paw in her hand and said,”I wish to have a new house.” Then out of the blue, a earth quake hit. This caused many houses to fall down including her grandmother's and her own home. Rachel was thinking to herself what have I done. Five days later she said, “ The monkey’s paw is just a big joke.” Once Rachel said this a man in formal clothes came walking up to the front steps of her friends home where she was staying. He said,”Your grandmother has died, and her will states that you inherit all of her money.” This finally registered in Rachel's brain that her wish made the earthquake come a destroy her grandmother's house she she could get money to build her new

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