Monologue From Dracula

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-PROLOGUE- -EPITAPH- The castle was dark, a chilling silence hang in the air. Nothing had been… prepared, so to speak. But to call it that would give the impression that he was invited. No, quite the contrary. Christopher Morris was not an invited guest in the halls of the prince of darkness. The wide door was shut, with two torches hanging on either side. He pushed the door open. Not a squeak nor squeal came from the door. Like the world was frozen in time and he was the only thing in the place that had some sort of sense of self. Inside the place was a wide throne room, with a man perched on a throne. At first glance, the throne seemed to be made of marble, or regular stone. But then you saw the ghastly smiles or the crooked arch. The throne was made of bones. …show more content…

Now, call off your siege, and I may make your end swift!” Christopher shouted at the man. The man laughed, setting a wine glass down. His hair was silver and he was wearing the robes of a king, except made with black cloth and silver, “Foolish mortals! You take everything from me, and then try to bargain for what I have left! You are all such predictable hive-minds.” he swept the glass off the arm of his chair, “You amuse me!” Christopher drew his blade, “If that ‘tis your final answer, then I shall have to slay you as my family has done before me!” he pointed the silver shortsword at the vampire. “Ha!” Dracula spat, “You are unwise to challenge me, boy! I will crush you underneath my fist! But enough talk, have at you!” he drew a black steel blade of his own, hilt of finely crafted gold, and in a blink of an eye he was upon the vampire