
Who Was Responsible For The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet

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Blame is a very strong word, Its even so strong in the tragic death of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet were two young teenagers in the play of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. They loved each other very much, even so that it brought about their deaths caused by their own choices and decisions. In this story many people are to blame and are involved in their tragic deaths. No one is more at blame than Romeo and Juliet themselves, they were responsible for their own life's end. Romeo is to blame because he could have evaded his death. Romeo could have chosen to not be with Juliet no more instead of being stuck on her even when she was his enemy and when he knew things would not work out between the two of them. “Heres to my love! O true apothecary, Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die.” (Shakespeare 242). In Act 5 scene 3 This quote shows that Romeo had the free will to kill him with his own hands and with intention. Romeo could have chosen to not kill …show more content…

Juliet could have chosen to not ask for Romeo’s name the day of the masquerade party and could have just forgotten about him but instead she asked for his name. These events made her realize she had just kissed her enemy and that she was in love with him. Juliet continued to be with Romeo and decided to stay with him even though she also knew that their relationship would not work out at all because of their family feuds. “Yea, noise? Then ill be brief. O happy dagger. This is thy sheath. There rust, and let me die.” (Shakespeare 246). In Act 5 scene 3 when Juliet had awakened from her spell she found Romeo died from poison. Juliet could have run away and saved herself, but instead she decides to kill herself as well. Juliet heard noises, then she says to herself that she will be brief meaning quick to take a dagger and stab herself and die. This shows that Juliet also killed herself and she ended her life with her own free will and

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