Monologue Of Annalise

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Annalise is doing the same thing with Laurel. She tries to calm Wes by using a statement that Sam killed Lila. So, Wes will think about it better. Annalise makes what Wes has been done to Sam as a rational reaction. She also convinces that killing somene is acceptable when the victim is doing the same with other person. She claims that it is not important regretting about what has been done to Sam. The important thing is believing that Sam killed Lila so his fault becomes acceptable. Annalise also said to forget that unpleasant experiences. There is no place for guilty feeling. Annalise’s statement appears from her unconciousness. She tries to accept her husband’s death as a consequence for Sam’s own fault. When she can prove Sam is guilty about Lila’s murder there is not a reason to accuse Wes. It can be proven by conversation below in Episode 15 from minute 01:13:30 to 01: 21: 06. …show more content…

You have to believe me. Annalise : I do. Wes : All of this.. Rebecca, Sam, Nate... It’s all my fault [sighs] Wes : [Sobbing] Annalise : It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s gonna be okay. Because no matters now is that Sam killed Lila. He did. Sam killed her. Wes : We don’t know that. Annalise : No. But it’s what two of us need to choose to believe. With everything that happened. It’s version of the truth that makes the most sense and will let us move on. Annalise : Say it. And it will become true. Sam killed Lila. Sam killed... Wes : Sam killed Lila. Sam killed Lila. Sam killed Lila. Annalise : See ? Doesn’t that feel better? Wes : I don’t know.

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